Plastic Surgery Procedures For Pseudo-Gynecomastia

Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Pseudo gynecomastia is a health abnormality that causes a man to develop a chest with appearance of breasts. This is due to build up of extra fat in the chest area. Gynecomastia is most common in men who are overweight, but pseudo gynecomastia typically impacts men with normal body weight. In other words, it affects men who are not obese but develop breasts due to use of illegal drugs, prescribed medications or highly acidic PH levels in the body.

Pseudo-gynecomastia is the hardest form of male breast problem to treat because before opting for plastic surgery procedure the affected man must get over drug addiction and reverse the damage caused by the drug use as much as possible. Cosmetic surgery in Orlando can give most desirable results to people who are otherwise fit and healthy but a man addicted to illegal drugs must get rid of them before going under the surgeon’s knife!

At times certain legal medications prescribed for a particular disease may trigger estrogen production in the body and this may then cause male breasts to form. If you are planning to undergo a surgery for pseudo-gynecomastia in Orlando, make sure that you reveal your true medical history to your board certified surgeon and also show any medical prescriptions to him.

The good news is that gynecomastia can be effectively treated by an experienced cosmetic surgeon, certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Liposuction procedures and excision of male breast tissue are some of the procedures that a board certified cosmetic surgeon uses to give his male patients a flat, firm, masculine chest.

To eliminate the breast tissue, an incision is made along the inferior areola border and is taken further down to the breast tissue. The tissue can then be removed from the overlying skin and underlying pectoralis muscle fascia. Once the breast tissue is resected it does not return and the skin re-contours to the chest wall in a natural way without leaving any evidence of gynecomastia. In other cases, the surgeon may just use liposuction procedures to remove extra fat from the chest area.

Dr. George Pope, MD, FACS is an expert on gynecomastia surgeries and has performed many over his 22 years in Central Florida. At Orlando Plastic Surgery we have advanced facilities for the comfort of patients and use the safest and most effective plastic surgery procedures to give better lives to all our patients.

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