Recovering From Gynecomastia Surgery

Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Excessive breast tissue can be a source of frustration for many men, especially when wearing slim-fitting shirts. Fortunately, the excessive localized fat and breast tissues in men can be removed through plastic surgery. Male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery) helps many of  my Orlando, FL, patients safely get rid of overdeveloped breasts.

The Surgery: Are you awake during gynecomastia surgery?

The surgery takes about 2 to 3 hours, and it may involve liposuction to remove fatty tissue, excision to remove fibrous glandular tissue or excess skin, or a combination of both. During the surgery, you will be under general anesthesia administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist.

You can learn more gynecomastia surgery details in our related blog post.

After Surgery: How long is gynecomastia surgery recovery?

After surgery, dressings and bandages are applied to cover the treated area. It is important to let the chest heal properly for the best results. You can expect complete recovery in 10 to 15 days.

You can see the results of male breast reduction surgery in a patient’s before and after pictures to the right.

What can I expect after gynecomastia surgery?

You may feel some pain and discomfort after surgery; it’s normal after any plastic surgery procedure. Some patients may also feel nauseated due to the effect of anesthesia. Dr. Pope prescribes medication to minimize the discomfort for his patients.

Fluid Drainage

A patient should not feel alarmed if a blood stained fluid oozes out from the area where the incision was made. It’s normal and stops in about 10 to 12 hours after the surgery. As the American Society of Plastic Surgeons explains, the surgeon typically places a small, thin tube under the skin to drain this excess fluid without causing any problems for the patient.


Patients may feel a bruise-like or muscle cramp like pain on the chest if fat tissues were removed during the surgery. It is essential to adhere to the surgeon’s advice and take the prescribed medications on time for proper healing of these areas.

Numbness & Swelling

The chest areas contoured during the gynecomastia surgery feel numb for a few days,  and there may also be swelling. Don’t let this swelling disappoint you; the swelling subsides with time.

How can I help or speed up my gynecomastia recovery?

Ice packs and light massage can speed up the healing. Compression vests are also prescribed for some patients after gynecomastia surgery. These vests not only help to reduce swelling but also protect the treated area against infection.

The moral support offered by your surgeon, family and friends also matters a lot and helps in recovering from any plastic surgery.

Dr. Pope of Pope Plastic Surgery is one of the most respected and sought-after gynecomastia plastic surgeons in the state, and you can see his gynecomastia patients’ results in their before and after pictures.

Dr. Pope’s expertise and the wonderful facilities at Pope Plastic Surgery make it possible for patients to get the best in comfortable, professional, and discreet cosmetic surgery treatment in Orlando. If you want to discuss male breast reduction with Dr. Pope, use our online form to request a consutlation or call us at (407) 857-6261 to schedule an appointment.

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