Types of Brow Lift Surgeries

Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

A brow lift surgery can eliminate the winkles and excessive lines from the forehead and rectify drooping eyebrows to improve the appearance of the entire face. There are several types of a brow lift surgeries that differ basically by incision technique. An experienced board certified surgeon can determine the most appropriate technique for patients based on their appearance.

Generally the incisions for a brow lift surgery are made at the hairline, behind the hairline, above the brow, or in the mid forehead. Some of the common brow lift procedures used by cosmetic surgeons include:

  • Direct Brow Lift: This is performed using one of the horizontal wrinkles or creases in the forehead. The muscles are tightened through an incision and excess skin and tissues are removed to create a smooth forehead surface.
  • Full Coronal Technique: This is one of the oldest techniques for brow lift surgery. An incision is made from one temple to the other across the crown of the patient’s head. The incision is hidden behind the hairline. The skin and if required the muscles are pulled upwards and re-draped. Any excess skin is eliminated. Full coronal bow lift technique is for people who need a more significant lift.
  • Temporal Brow Lift: This is also referred to as lateral brow lift. Incisions are made at the temples behind hairline. This brow lift surgical technique can correct the folds and small wrinkles in the patient’s forehead, glabella and corners of eyes.
  • Temporal Brow Lift with Suture Suspension: This is the same technique as temporal brow lift but uses internal and permanent sutures to suspend muscles and tissues.

Brow lift surgeries can also be performed endoscopically. These are suitable for young individuals who do need a lot of lift for their forehead or eyebrows. The endoscopic technique may also be used with a suture suspension.

The total recovery period from a brow lift surgery is about 2 to 3 weeks. The post surgery swelling subsides during this period and patients can return to normal routines with a better and aesthetically improved forehead appearance.

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